Working to improve the lives of our most vulnerable neighbors

Our Story

At PCI, we invest capital and expertise to build community assets that generate opportunity for all of our neighbors, especially those with low incomes and those who have been historically marginalized by systemic racism.

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Our Impact
Dollars Invested
Mission-aligned projects financed
Public and private dollars leveraged by PCI investments
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Our Impact
Dollars Invested
Learn More About Our Impact
Our Impact
Mission-aligned projects financed
Learn More About Our Impact
Our Impact
Public and private dollars leveraged by PCI investments
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Lending Approach

Affordable Housing

Affordable Housing

We are committed to assisting developers, property managers, and nonprofit organizations in their efforts to create, renovate, and preserve affordable housing across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Small Business

Small Business

Locally-owned businesses create jobs and wealth. When women and minority-owned businesses struggle to secure financing from conventional sources, our experienced team and creative thinking can help.

Economic Development

Economic Development

Our goal is to serve as a catalyst for resident-centered public and private initiatives that promote the long-term economic vitality of Massachusetts communities.

Community Services

Community Services

A major indicator of the health of any community is the level of services available to its residents. PCI is motivated to expand essential services across the Commonwealth to those who need them most.

A Responsive Team

Our small but mighty team of community lending experts have the passion, expertise and commitment needed to move even the most complex projects forward.

Meet the Team